The  plant is the new way of thinking concrete and reducing waste. Its internal structure stocks raw materials in separate compartments, mixing, on the basis of the set recipe, only what is necessary. In this way it is possible to obtain, with the same load, different qualities of certifiable concrete. Production takes place directly on site, and is controlled by an intuitive on-board computer; the weighing of the cement, aggregates, the dosage of additives and water guarantee the quality of the product, reducing time and costs. A mobile, simple and versatile plant managed by a single operator. 


Technical Details  
Model   MVTE-CMP-001
Gross Vehicle Weight   21.000 kg
Chassis Rated Power   280 kW
Ground Clearance    405 mm
Country of Origin   ITALY
Year of Production    2021
Wheel base   4200 mm
Turning radius   8,35 m
CEMENT   2,29 Cum
H2O   400 / 800 gal (opt.)
EMULSION   80 gal (opt.)
ADMIXTURES   3 x 11 gal (opt.)